Changelog · Nov 2, 2020

Progress bar for issues with subtasks

See all completed, in-progress, and to-do subtasks in a progress bar below each issue in Work Log.

See all completed, in progress, and to-do subtasks in a progress bar below each issue in Work Log. Now it easier to stay up to date with the issue scope, and status of subtasks in your projects.

Issue lifetime contributors

lifetime contributors

We continue adding improvements to Work Log that give you a broader context to issue activity. Now we show everyone who has worked on an issue over its lifetime, with recent contributors highlighted.

Other improvements

  • Working agreements preview now updates live when configuring a new agreement
  • Improved error handling, now it is less common for entire pages to fail with an error
  • Deleted GitHub teams are not visible in Swarmia anymore, but historical data in all charts is preserved.
  • Subtask icons are now shown in the Work Log
  • Swarmia Slack bot now posts issue linking confirmation comments to all pull requests

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