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Oct 22, 2024

Beta: Measure engineering effort with a new FTE-based model

Improving engineering effectiveness starts with understanding how time is spent across the organization and finding better ways to use it. By analyzing cycle time, project scope, and activity over time, you can gain valuable insights that help you plan work better and improve focus. Today, we’re introducing an even more comprehensive way to measure engineering effort across your projects.

The new model measures effort in full-time equivalent (FTE) months. To model effort, we analyze each developer’s activity timeline to evaluate where their time is spent across various activities, such as:

  • Coding contributions
  • Completed issues
  • Pull request activities like reviews and comments

Each developer is allocated one FTE month per month, which is then distributed across the issues and pull requests they contributed to. This data is aggregated to provide an estimate of the total effort spent on stories, epics, and initiatives.

The advantage of this approach is that it considers hundreds of data points for each developer and accounts for different coding styles. In other words, it doesn’t matter whether you prefer many small commits or fewer, larger ones. Effort modeling is best seen as a complement to activity-based views, offering an additional perspective for comparing effort across projects.

You can already view total effort for individual issues and initiatives across the app, as well as month-over-month effort and a breakdown by contributor. In the coming weeks, we’ll introduce effort metrics to the investment balance and other parts of Swarmia.

Oct 10, 2024

Unlock deeper survey insights with the new questions & comments tab

The new questions & comments tab in surveys is designed to help you analyze all survey feedback in one place. With it, you can view survey results in more detail, filter, sort, and take informed actions based on your findings.

Navigate to the questions & comments tab within a survey or click on the heatmap to view the details of a topic or question. Here’s what the new questions tab offers:

  • Filter results by team: Analyze survey responses for your entire organization, or drill down into specific teams to see how their feedback compares.
  • View rating distributions: For every question, see how responses are distributed across different ratings.
  • Comments for every question: See the comments linked to each question to gain deeper insight into the reasoning behind the ratings.
  • Sort by scores, most comments, and more: Sort questions by highest or lowest scores to quickly identify areas that need the most improvement. Find areas that generated the most discussion and questions that were skipped the most to refine your next survey. Insights from different teams help you prioritize actions in specific areas and drive targeted improvements.

The new questions & comments tab makes it easier than ever to find key areas for improvement. Soon, you’ll also be able to track changes in your organization’s feedback over time. Stay tuned!

Sep 10, 2024

Find what you're looking for in fewer clicks with the new navigation

Our new navigation makes it easier for everyone in the engineering organization to quickly access the tools and insights they need — whether you’re working in Swarmia daily or using it less frequently.

What changed?

1. Separation of team and organization features

The features are now better grouped, providing both organizational overview and team-specific perspectives. This lets you to quickly discover insights at any level you need.

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2. New to the sidebar: Initiatives and Infrastructure

  • Initiatives: Track cross-team activities and see organization-wide efforts in one view. This update lets you navigate to your initiatives faster.
  • Infrastructure: Access system-level metrics in one place. This view contains:
    • Deployments
    • CI visibility (earlier CI insights)

3. Updates to profile

Now, you’ll find all personal settings in your profile. This update makes it easier to view your data and manage your preferences in one place.

Sep 3, 2024

Keep your team structure up to date with the new Team Management API

The Team Management API helps you automate managing your organization’s team structure and improve data quality by keeping your team structure up to date.

By using the API, you can:

  1. Get a comprehensive list of your current teams and their configurations:
    • Parent team and hierarchy
    • Member information
    • Jira projects for each team
  2. Modify the structure of your teams by including, adding, or removing teams and members.
  3. Keep your team structure in sync.

Here’s how to get started with the Team Management API:

  • Use your existing API token or contact your Swarmia customer success manager or to receive your unique authentication token.
  • Once we’ve sent you the API documentation, review it for detailed information and example requests.
  • Integrate your internal systems to automate team management tasks.
  • Migrate your installation to manage teams with the Team Management API.

If you have any questions or need help setting up the Team Management API, feel free to reach out to us via email or through the in-app chat.

Aug 27, 2024

Share survey results with your team

Developer experience surveys are only as good as the insights and actions they drive. Our new survey results heatmap makes it simple to get a quick overview. Instantly spot the teams and topics that require your attention, then drill down to individual questions and comments to discover the details.

This view isn't just for the leadership. Many obstacles are best solved by self-organizing teams with the right context and means. Now, you can make the whole report available for your organization with two clicks. Don’t worry — you can screen the comments and prepare your communications before hitting that “Publish results” button.

Additionally, we introduced a detailed participation view so you can easily see the response rates in each team. It’s also available for live surveys to help remind the teams falling behind others.

More updates:

  • The code review Slack notification now shows if reviewers have requested changes and if a review is still expected from you despite others’ approvals.
  • Your team can now subscribe to review request notifications for any GitHub teams you’re interested in.

Aug 13, 2024

Estimate the end date of your initiatives

Staying on top of multiple cross-team engineering initiatives can be challenging. Yet, many internal departments rely on engineering leaders to provide frequent updates on the status and progress of strategically important projects. The problem is that simply looking at an ongoing initiative isn’t going to help you determine when it will be completed.

That’s why we’ve launched a new initiative forecast feature that allows you to estimate the end date of an initiative based on three inputs:

  • Total number of issues
  • Average issue cycle time
  • Average number of issues in progress

You can adjust the values of all three inputs to understand how the estimated end date will change if you add or remove issues, increase the average cycle time of an issue, or start working on more issues simultaneously. The UI will offer suggestions for each input based on your historical data, including previous activity in the initiative and data from the most active team.

Once you’re happy with your forecast, you can save it to the initiative overview page where everyone in your organization can see it. You can always go back and edit the forecast later as you learn more.

To create your first forecast, navigate to the overview page of any ongoing initiative and click Create forecast.

More improvements:

  • The code review Slack notification now includes the number of comments in the PR.
  • The past four full quarters have been added as presets to all time selectors throughout the app.
  • Hovering over the PR throughput chart under Insights will now activate a tooltip with the number of contributors per week and the number of PRs per contributor.

Jul 29, 2024

View DORA metrics for your entire organization

A few weeks ago, we launched DORA metrics for production environments, enabling more accurate DORA metrics.

Building upon these capabilities, Swarmia now lets you analyze DORA metrics for the entire organization, broken down by teams in the new Organization / DORA view.

We also improved the deployments view by adding trends for all the DORA metrics. It’s now possible to drill down further from organization insights to see DORA trends and the related deployments for any team. This helps you better pinpoint areas to improve software delivery performance.

Deployments get attributed to teams based on the authors of the deployed pull requests.

Jul 9, 2024

DORA metrics for production environments

DORA metrics are the most widely recognized way to measure the speed and quality of software deployments. They're all about pushing changes to production, so deployments to other environments, such as development and staging, should be disregarded when tracking them.

We've made it easier to define production environments in Swarmia, enabling more accurate DORA metrics. You can set global rules or define production environments per deployment app. This flexibility allows you to tailor the metrics to reflect your actual production environments, providing a clearer picture of your performance.

We’ll automatically consider all environments that start with ‘prod’ or have ‘production’ in their names to be production environments. You can change it in Settings / Deployments.

Anonymous comments in surveys

Survey respondents can now choose whether they'd like to post their comments anonymously. While we recommend respondents to comment using their name to foster more open and actionable discussion, we also recognize that some may not be comfortable doing so. Commenting anonymously lowers the threshold for giving feedback on sensitive issues.

Jun 20, 2024

Analyze your investment balance through multiple lenses

Engineering organizations make dozens of decisions every week that all affect teams’ focus and the outcomes of their work. Quantifying this focus allows engineering leaders and teams to base prioritization discussions on data rather than intuition alone.

While we’re huge advocates of the Balance Framework, it only offers one perspective into team focus. However, leaders need to be able to answer a variety of questions, including:

  • How do we reduce reactive work?
  • How much are we able to focus on our key initiatives?
  • How much are we investing in a specific product area?

To make answering these questions easier, we’re introducing additional breakdowns into your engineering investments. Like before, you can create categories based on a broad set of filters to get a more holistic view of engineering teams’ focus. The focus reports roll up across your engineering organization and allow you to drill down to individual projects and issues.

Swarmia admins can create new views by navigating to the Investment Balance view and clicking the add breakdown button.

Jun 5, 2024

Public Beta: Complement engineering metrics with developer experience surveys

From the start, our vision at Swarmia has been to offer holistic software development insights to everyone in the engineering organization. By “holistic,” we mean looking at the same issue from multiple angles — in this case, through a combination of sentiment data from software engineers and insights from different dev tools.

That’s why today, we’re excited to announce the public beta of developer experience surveys: a better way for you to collect high-quality developer feedback and combine it with the system metrics and visualizations you already have in Swarmia.

Based on feedback from our alpha customers, we feel confident you’ll gain valuable information and concrete improvement ideas from these surveys. Here’s how Dave Cumberland, CTO of Axios HQ, describes his experience in running surveys with Swarmia:

“The developer experience survey results have been insightful. Swarmia has provided us with a clear understanding of where our teams are excelling and where they could use additional support. The combination of quantitative developer insights with periodic qualitative feedback is powerful. It has allowed us to pinpoint specific areas of improvement and celebrate our successes. Swarmia has become invaluable in enhancing our team’s productivity and satisfaction.” — Dave Cumberland, CTO of Axios HQ

We also published our 32-question developer survey framework, free for anyone to use. Read more about how we developed the framework and copy the survey questions from this blog post.

To run your first survey in Swarmia, navigate to the new Surveys tab and click the “Create survey” button. (Requires admin access.) If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to us in the chat or send an email your customer success manager or

May 31, 2024

Bring your data where you need it with Data Cloud

Your decisions are only as good as the data that informs them. There are many factors that play into your ability to trust the data. Is the data collected from the right sources? Is it consistent? Does it support how we work? Is it accurately attributed? And finally, is it up to date?

At Swarmia, we’ve considered these factors early on, ensuring that your data setup is transparent, configurable, and explainable:

  • You can access the raw data behind each aggregate metric, down to individual commits and issues.
  • You control what’s included in each metric, ensuring it reflects your work, regardless of how you use your tools.
  • All data in Swarmia is real-time, and any changes you make to the configuration are visible immediately.

With Data Cloud, you can export high-quality data from Swarmia into your data warehouse of choice, whether you’re using BigQuery, Snowflake, or Redshift. It enables you to run custom reporting queries and combine the data with data from third-party tools.

View the data available for export in our getting started guide. We’re eager to hear feedback about Data Cloud and your custom reporting use cases. Drop us a line at or reach out to your customer success manager.

May 8, 2024

See coding activity related to an issue at a glance

When it comes to diagnosing activity patterns and improving the flow of work, looking at issue cycle time is a great place to start. But there are more perspectives to understanding issue activity.

Everywhere you see an issue in Swarmia, you can click on it to see its lifetime and active days. The lifetime includes all activities related to the issue and is usually longer than the cycle time. Active days show how many days there were contributions to the issue. You can also see how the scope changed over time and drill deeper into individual tasks.

This time, we've introduced a new way to look at coding activity related to an issue. Simply click on an issue, scroll down to the bottom, and you’ll see all the pull requests linked to the issue and all of its subtasks. You can view the total number of pull requests, as well as their cycle time, size, and author. You can also navigate to individual pull requests, subtasks, and deployments, all without losing context.

More improvements:

  • Swarmia Export API now supports full org-level DORA metrics and all Code Insights columns on the team level. The feature is currently in Alpha. Reach out to us at if you’re interested in trying it out.
  • In Deployment Insights, Time to Recovery and resolving deployment version are now shown in the details popup for the failed deployment. You can also click on the resolving deployment version on the table to open it in the details popup. We also improved attribution of pull requests to deployments when deploying to a new environment for the first time.
  • We improved data sync for customers using Jira, making it easier to follow progress when syncing specific projects.
  • If you’re looking to upgrade from free to a paid Swarmia plan, you can now pay for your Swarmia subscription with a credit card.

Apr 4, 2024

Alpha: Improve developer experience with surveys

Swarmia engineering surveys are now available to organizations interested in trying them out. Run a survey with any or all of the 32 questions in Swarmia’s survey framework, with questions ranging from team focus to managing technical debt. See how different teams react to different statements, and collect comments for taking action. You can share the results with everyone in the organization, while maintaining confidentiality where necessary.

To get started, reach out to your customer success manager or contact us at

Preview CI failure logs without leaving Slack

Have you ever found yourself digging through CI logs just to figure out what has failed? Was it a flaky test or something that you actually need to fix in your PR? Now, whenever you receive a notification about a CI check failure for one of your PRs, you'll also get a preview of the last 50 lines of the failure logs directly in Slack.

Not using Swarmia notifications yet? You can enable notifications here.

DORA metrics for teams

You can now view deployments, as well as all four DORA metrics, filtered by engineering team. Navigate to Insights > Deployments, and select the team you’re interested in from the top bar. A deployment is attributed to a team when at least one of the deployed pull requests was authored by a member of the team. In some cases, the same deployment can be attributed to more than one team, if it contains pull requests authored by members of multiple teams.

More improvements:

  • We improved the accuracy of batch size insights by excluding more commonly auto-generated files from the calculations. Now, as you hover over each size bucket, you can also see the percentage of the total number pull requests merged in your team.
  • Now, when responding to GitHub comments via the Slack bot, you can use the “>” symbol, and the text that follows will be correctly rendered as a quote.
  • We also fixed an issue where a user would sometimes receive a notification twice or have a GitHub comment posted twice when responding to a comment from Slack.

Mar 7, 2024

Use Okta SSO to manage user access to Swarmia

If your organization is using Okta Single Sign-On, you can now use it to manage user access to Swarmia. This also means that stakeholders outside the engineering organization can now log in to Swarmia even if they don’t have a GitHub account.

To get started, follow our guide on how to add the Swarmia application to Okta. If you’ve previously been using GitHub for authentication, we’ll automatically migrate everyone in your organization to Okta the next time they log in to the app.

More improvements:

  • We keep adding new notifications that save developers’ time and bring essential details about their work directly to Slack. This time, we improved our CI notifications to include more reasons for queue failures, such as merge conflicts and CI timeouts. Not using Swarmia notifications yet? Set them up here.
  • Ongoing performance improvements. This year we’re adding more ways to explore your data, from analyzing millions of CI check runs to providing high-level organizational overviews for larger organizations. To support this initiative and elevate the experience for customers of all sizes, we put continuous effort in optimizing the app’s performance.

Feb 13, 2024

Smart suggestions for categorizing work

To make sound decisions about engineering investment, you need to have a solid understanding of how your engineers’ time is spent. But the more work remains uncategorized, the more difficult it is to determine how different teams should spend their time.

That’s why today, we’re making uncategorized work more visible in the Investment Balance view and introducing AI-powered suggestions for categorizing work. Now, when you drill into uncategorized work, the smart suggestions pop up on the right. With the smart suggestions, you can:

  • Preview a list of the issues included in each suggestion
  • Quickly apply or dismiss the suggestions

Over time, the model will learn how people in your organization categorize issues and pull requests, improving the quality of future suggestions.

More improvements:

  • We updated the default investment category rules by adding more labels and title prefixes. We also made the rules smarter, only applying the rules that match existing data.

Jan 10, 2024

Real-time pull request activity timeline for diagnosing cycle time issues

Continuous code delivery is a key feature of an effective engineering organization. Several factors influence this: Do we ship in small batches? What's the state of our code review process? How do we handle code reviews that require input from different teams or individuals in other time zones?

In this update, we introduce a new timeline activity view that helps you understand the cycle time of those long-running pull requests. Select a pull request anywhere in the app to see whether review, coding time, or merging delays were the main cause of the increased cycle time. The timeline also includes all comments, commits, and code review events, making it easy to see what happened in each case at a glance. The data you see on the timeline updates in real time, so it always includes the latest activity.

More improvements

  • Editing investment categories just got easier. When you make changes to your investment balance configuration, you can preview them before applying. The preview is based on a sample of 1,000 pull requests and issues, showing how they're affected by the change.
  • When you choose an issue in Swarmia, you can see the issue assignee, along with other contributors, in the issue activity popup.

Dec 4, 2023

Gain visibility and control over strategic work with Initiatives

Strategic projects can be particularly challenging to manage. The longer the project’s timeline and the larger its scope, especially with more engineering teams involved, the more complex and less transparent the process becomes. Many existing tools fall short in providing more transparency, as they typically show only a portion of the overall picture. Your issue tracker is limited to only those issues that are actively tracked with it and doesn’t account for untracked work. Gaining access to reliable data required to keep these big projects running can be quite difficult.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce Initiatives, a new feature that helps engineering leaders gain visibility and control over strategic projects. Here’s what you can do with it:

  • Gain an accurate view of the project timeline, scope, and progress towards completion.
  • Align your plans with the actual activity tracked from across multiple tools, and identify when an initiative is idle or at risk due to longer periods of inactivity.
  • Drill down to specific projects to identify problems and facilitate the unblocking of work.

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Starting today, you can create and manage initiatives in Swarmia. You can also gain the same level of insight for all projects that contain child issues, including Linear Projects, Jira Epics and Stories, and other issue types.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll also introduce the ability to add your existing initiatives directly from Jira and Linear. In the meantime, you can already do this by reaching out to us directly.

More updates

  • In addition to Initiatives, now you can see On track, Idle, or At risk labels for all ongoing projects (including Jira Stories, Epics, and Linear Projects). An issue is considered Idle if there has been no activity for the last 7 days, and At risk if it has been inactive for over 2 weeks.
  • You can now filter issues by priority anywhere in Swarmia, and use priority filters to set up investment categories or define issue ownership.
  • CI Insights now loads faster for all customers.

Nov 14, 2023

General availability: Analyze CI trends and cut hours of monthly wait time per developer

Over the past few years, whenever we’ve had conversations with our customers about their CI, they’d describe how it was getting slower, less predictable, and harder to manage as the organization evolved. And when they tried to improve things, it wasn’t clear where to begin — you’d have to analyze millions of check runs across several dozens of repositories to identify patterns that could help improve the CI pipeline.

Today, we’re excited to announce that CI insights are available to all Swarmia customers. You can now analyze your entire CI pipeline, identify long-term patterns and trends, and pinpoint specific areas for improvement to reduce waiting time and increase confidence in your systems. We’ve already seen how small changes can help organizations save hours of waiting time per developer per month.

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Currently, the new CI insights are only available for GitHub Actions users. If you’re using a different CI provider but are interested in getting your CI insights to Swarmia, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us at

If you’ve been part of the Swarmia Alpha program for CI insights, you’ll also notice a few new features that are now available to everyone. The repository, workflow, and jobs tables all have new trendline and distribution charts, making it even easier to spot anomalies and focus on specific tests that can be improved.

👉 Check out new CI insights in Swarmia

More control over organization settings with the new admin role

This year, we’ve split team and organization-level settings to give teams more control over their work on pull requests, issues, and their preferred notifications in Slack. At the same time, organization settings have become more powerful, which is why we wanted to provide teams with tools to ensure that changes affecting the entire organization are intentional.

With the introduction of the new Admin role, you now have control over who can edit integration settings and investment balance configuration. These settings remain visible to everyone, but only admins can make changes. You can view the list of admins for your organization in Settings. Admins have the ability to grant and revoke admin rights from the same page.

More updates

  • Now, when you receive a response to a comment on GitHub, the Swarmia Slack notification will include more context about the thread where it was left. This is useful when there are multiple discussion threads in the same PR. You can enable personal notifications in Settings.
  • With the latest improvements to data queries, the Investment Balance now loads faster for all users.

Oct 5, 2023

Deliver strategic, cross-team projects with confidence

Strategic projects can be particularly challenging since they often span months and involve multiple engineering teams. As these teams push towards their objectives, it’s crucial to ensure that the project scope doesn’t grow uncontrollably over time. Teams should be able to collaborate efficiently and make progress without being sidetracked by other priorities.

Our latest update brings you a new way to examine your projects and ensure they’re on track. Here are some of the things you can do with this new feature:

  • Track contributions and collaboration patterns of teams and individuals over the project’s lifetime.
  • Visualize planned work with start and target dates presented on a timeline.
  • Navigate the expandable timeline view, which displays lifetime activity on child issues, including coding activity and the activity from your issue tracker.

👉 The new view is now available for projects with child issues, including Linear projects, Jira Stories, and Epics. To use this feature, select an issue to view it in the side panel, and click the Open as page button located below the issue title.

More improvements

We made it easier for teams to preview and modify settings relevant to their team. In this update, we've added new team-specific issue settings and Slack notification preferences, giving teams even more control over how they use Swarmia.

Sep 14, 2023

Alpha: analyze and reduce CI build times with Swarmia

If you’ve worked as a developer, you know that waiting for CI builds can be a real pain. In fact, unreliable CI/CD setups can result in hours of waiting time per developer per week. This only gets worse as the organization scales, translating into six-figure losses and weeks of idle time in larger organizations every year.

Today, we’re excited to announce our new alpha feature that helps engineering organizations measure how much time they spend waiting on CI builds and analyze how the situation has changed over time. The new CI insights also help you identify which services and workflows contribute to those waiting times, so you can pinpoint issues and address the root causes.

👉 Join the Swarmia Alpha program. As of today, the new CI insights are available to select Swarmia customers using GitHub Actions. To participate, reach out to your customer success manager or contact us directly at

More updates

  • We’ve added support for Canceled issues for both Jira and Linear customers. Now, when you set the issue status as Canceled (Won’t do, Won’t fix, or similar) in your issue tracker, it will be displayed as such in Swarmia. By default, work on canceled issues will still be visible in Swarmia. In Issue Insights, you can exclude them by applying a filter for issues with a Status is not Canceled from the filter bar.
  • When you connect Jira to Swarmia, we now automatically map issue statuses, cutting the setup time in half for larger organizations. We also applied the new, automated mapping to all our existing customers.
  • It’s now easier to look back at merged and closed pull requests. In the Pull Requests view, work is now grouped by date, pull requests are sorted by merge time, and the total cycle time is displayed on the right.

Aug 17, 2023

Compare data to previous period in organizational insights

We continue to enhance our organizational insights, and this time, we’ve included comparisons with the previous time period for all organizational metrics in Swarmia. Seeing two time periods side by side adds more context to the data you see and helps you identify anomalies, such as spikes in code review time or rapid increases in the amount of work in progress.

See your biggest investments across the entire organization

With our latest updates to Investment Balance, teams gained a new way to analyze where they are allocating their time and effortlessly identify the most significant or long-lasting investments.

Now, the same features are accessible for all organizations with fewer than 50 contributors. If your organization falls under that range, got to Investment Balance and proceed to the Work tab to see work breakdowns by category for the entire organization.

For larger organizations, the Work tab becomes available when a team with fewer than 50 contributors is selected.

Better CSV exports for investment balance data

This year, we’ve been improving our exporting capabilities to make it easier to integrate Swarmia data into your internal systems.

Previously, we only supported exporting the high-level investment overview, but with the latest update, you can also export a more detailed report that contains all work across all categories in the selected timeframe. To get the detailed report, navigate to the Work tab of Investment Balance and click the export button in the top right corner.

Review unlinked pull requests in Investment Balance

Linking pull requests to issues ensures that you get most relevant insights across all the tools you use. While Swarmia offers a variety of ways to streamline and automate linking, it’s totally normal for some work to occasionally slip through the cracks and remain unlinked. Now, within Investment Balance’s Work tab, with an investment category selected, you can click on the Pull requests without issues row to review all unlinked pull requests in each category.

More updates

  • Large pull requests are now shown as larger bubbles in Work Log, helping you spot those big PRs. 🎉
  • It's now possible to filter issues and pull requests by investment category in insights.
  • You can now subscribe to a personal notification when a team you’re part of gets assigned a pull request review.
  • We’re working on a new early-access feature that helps you apply a cost estimate to your investment balance data. If you’re interested in participating in testing this feature when it becomes available, please contact us at

Jul 6, 2023

Understand your biggest engineering investments and follow trends across teams

When we introduced the new Investment Balance just over a month ago, we gave a glimpse into the exciting features we had planned for later this year. Our new major update delves even deeper into helping engineering leaders understand investment patterns in engineering teams and the entire organization.

A whole new way to look at work. The work view in Investment Balance got a complete redesign. When you select a category, it’s now pinned on the chart, making it easy to see how it trends over time. You can also slice and dice your data in a variety of ways:

  • Sort your projects to look at the most recent, longest-running, or biggest investments (considering the total number of contributions)
  • Start by examining all work or narrow it down with specific issue types to gain a focused view into Epics or Bugs.
  • Zoom in to look at one month of work at a time (or one week with the weekly grouping)

Follow a category across all teams. When looking at teams, you can now pin a category to highlight it and sort by it in the teams table. This way you can see what teams have maintained momentum shipping new features or struggled with keeping the lights on. We also added a delta to the previous time period to the table so it’s easy to see how the investment balance has evolved over time.

Try out the new Investment Balance

More improvements

  • Filters across the app got even more powerful. Now you can filter issues by title and apply negations (e.g. “Label is not Bug”) anywhere in the app. The new filters make it even easier to capture work to investment categories and define work that belongs to each team.
  • The app home page got a new modular design highlighting relevant Swarmia features based on the user role, tailored to developers, managers, and engineering leaders.
  • We completed an internal security audit in June-July 2023. Swarmia conducts security audits twice a year, and security is on the checklist for every new feature we build.
  • In team settings, you can now see what teams don’t have issue ownership set up. Assigning issues to teams helps Swarmia map issues to the right teams in your organization, and is required for using features like Work Log and Issue Insights.

May 29, 2023

Meet the updated investment balance

Running a software team is a balancing act. You’ll want to ensure that as you build new things, you also address your technical debt and invest in productivity improvements. See also our blog post sharing best practices for balancing engineering investment.

This summer, we’re releasing a whole bunch of updates to Swarmia’s Investment Balance. And today, we’re excited to unveil the first batch.

Now you can drill down to investment balance at any level of the organization, from a high-level overview to the work of individual teams. This update goes hand in hand with the support for team hierarchies we introduced last month. (You can set them up in Settings if you haven’t done it yet.)

In the following weeks we’ll introduce more exciting updates, including better drill-downs into a single category of work across teams, and tools for analyzing trends. We’re eager to hear your feedback on the update.

Reach out to us with the in-app chat or via email at to let us know what you think.

More improvements

  • Fixed an issue where the timeframe would reset when navigating in organizational insights.
  • Improved the performance of issue insights, where some views would previously time out on longer timeframes.
  • Lately, larger teams might have experienced slowness in the Work Log. We applied an immediate fix and continue looking into improvements that keep it snappy for all customers.

May 4, 2023

Support for team hierarchies and a new home for organizational insights

Every organization is unique, and Swarmia is designed to adapt to and reflect your organizational structure, routines, and ways of working. With our latest update, we're taking things to the next level, enabling engineering leaders and managers to get a clear view into the organizational hierarchy.

Now, you can create and manage nested teams and use all Swarmia features at any level of the organization. Managing nested teams in Swarmia is flexible, easy to set up, and easy to adjust as your company evolves.

Let’s take a closer look into what’s new:

Nested teams work just as you’d expect: they align with your organizational structure, and you can use most Swarmia features with teams on any level, including Work Log, Investment Distribution, and other features. You can also create Working Agreements and set up team notifications, including the daily Slack digest, for nested teams.

Nested teams are easy to configure. For teams with subteams, the work shown everywhere across Swarmia is defined as a combination of their subteams’ work. No additional configuration is required.

You can add direct team members to teams at any level, and team memberships can be managed in Swarmia and synced from GitHub automatically.

If you already have teams set up in Swarmia, it's easy to upgrade to nested teams. Navigate to Team Settings, create a new team, and add your existing teams as subteams. Work configuration will be inherited from subteams automatically.

Following this update, organization-level insights also got a new home in the app. In the following months, we'll keep adding more capabilities to the organizational insights, including improvements to DORA metrics, issue activity insights, and the investment balance.

Categorize issues in one click

Sometimes it’s easier to categorize work right where you see it. In addition to using flexible auto-categorization rules, it’s now possible to categorize issues manually — or override the investment category assigned by Swarmia automation.

To review uncategorized issues, navigate to Insights > Investment Distribution and expand the Uncategorized lane, where you can preview and categorize individual issues on the list.

Mar 15, 2023

Make engineering work visible with Developer Overview

Visualizing engineering work with views like Work Log and Investment Distribution has helped hundreds of modern software teams significantly improve their focus and flow. Our new Developer Overview aims to do the same thing — but this time with an emphasis on the work of individual engineers.

Developer Overview makes it easy to see what each developer has worked on and helps facilitate discussions about their work. It allows developers and their managers to:

  • Make work visible. Identify who the developer has worked with recently, compare the ratio of own pull requests to reviewed pull requests, and navigate to past work items to analyze them in more detail.
  • Visualize activity patterns. Quickly see all the projects the developer has contributed to and spot systemic issues like too much work in progress or working alone on bigger issues.
  • Analyze focus. Assess whether the developer has been able to focus on the right things and maximize their learning and impact.

The benefits of Developer Overview

Developer Overview is not a tool for stack ranking individuals or reducing them into a single number. In fact, the view is first and foremost a tool for developers to learn and grow in their career. With it, developers can:

  • Take initiative on their own learning and development
  • Easily reference what they worked on, and figure out who to ask for feedback
  • Analyze completed work and have better discussions with their peers and manager
  • Back up career development discussions with data

How to get started

Access the Developer Overview by clicking on your own or any other contributor’s avatar anywhere in Swarmia. You can read more about the benefits and use cases of Developer Overview in our blog and the Help Center.

As always, if you have any feedback or improvement ideas, we’re all ears. Simply get in touch with your CSM or fill out this quick feedback form.

Feb 28, 2023

Support for GitHub Deployments as a data source for deployment insights

As we hinted in the previous changelog, we’ve been working on one final piece of the deployment insights puzzle: supporting GitHub Deployments as a data source.

If you’re using GitHub Deployments to track deployments across your repositories, you can now select it as a deployment source in Swarmia. This makes it even easier for you to surface DORA metrics and keep tabs on applications with multiple environments.

If you’re already using GitHub Deployments, we recommend this method over GitHub checks, as it will give you more accurate data and it’s easy to set up.

More improvements

  • We introduced an option to export a team’s Investment Distribution in CSV format. This allows you to combine the team’s data with e.g., cost data to produce financial reports.
  • Insights views now show longer default timeframes that you can use to analyze progress over the last 6 or 12 months.

Feb 16, 2023

Simpler deployment insights and out-of-the-box DORA metrics

We’ve made multiple improvements to deployment insights within the past few months. Here’s a summary of the changes.

We’ve made analyzing deployments easier by bringing them into a single view. You can see all four DORA metrics in one place and drill down to individual applications and deployments.

We’ve also simplified the configuration and added support for multiple data sources. Getting started with deployment insights only requires a few clicks, and you can easily switch between different data sources.

Manually tracking change failures takes effort, which is why Swarmia can now automatically detect change failures from version rollbacks and pull request reverts. You can also automate additional change failure scenarios through the Deployments API.

More improvements

  • We’ve enabled automatic change-failure detection by default for applications using GitHub Check or PR merge data sources.
  • You can now include commit information in the Deployments API payload.

What’s next for deployment insights?

  • We’ll add support for GitHub Deployments in the coming weeks. This will make tracking applications with multiple environments even easier.
  • We’d love your feedback — if there’s something we could improve, drop us a line at

Jan 31, 2023

Code review nudges to help you stay on track with your working agreements

Feedback loops are an essential part of Swarmia. Our working agreements allow teams to agree on how they want to work together and stay on track as they’re building new habits. Teams can subscribe to the Slack daily digest to get updated on all the exceptions to their working agreements.

Now if your team has a working agreement around pull request review time (e.g. "review pull requests in under 24 hours"), we'll send a friendly reminder to the pull request reviewer when a review is nearing the target. We’ll send additional notifications two days after your target, and then finally four days after it — after which we’ll go quiet. The new notification is enabled automatically for all teams with the review time working agreement.

This new notification is part of a series of improvements to the Swarmia Slack app we've planned for this year. Have feedback to share? Drop us a line at

Not using Swarmia personal notifications yet? Here's why you should. You can enable them in settings.

DORA change failures: auto-detection of rollbacks and pull request reverts

Measuring change failures can be tricky. There are many different reasons changes can fail, and often the data on these failures and what caused them doesn’t exist in any systems. We also wrote an article on how we suggest approaching measuring Change Failures.

We already support multiple ways to report change failure data to Swarmia. You can report Change Failures via our Deployments API or mark failing deploys and deploys that fix them manually in Swarmia.

Now Swarmia detects some common change failures automatically:

Rollback detection checks if the exact same version has been previously deployed to the same environment (e.g., production). If Swarmia detects a rollback, a change failure is recorded for the latest deployment before the rollback.

To detect reverts, Swarmia checks if any of the pull requests included in your deployment were reverting a previously deployed pull request (based on commit messages, branch name, or pull request description).

More improvements

  • We completed internal and external security audits in January 2023. Swarmia conducts internal audits twice a year, and external audits once a year. Security is on the checklist for all the new features we build.
  • You can now export data from your organization’s Code Overview in CSV format. This might be helpful if you’re looking to share Swarmia insights with stakeholders outside Engineering or use the data in third-party tools.
  • We’ve added new pull request filters to Batch Size insights, including filters by status, repository, and author.