Code insights

Get a clear view into your development pipeline. Understand what slows teams down, and improve code quality with actionable metrics.

Actionable metrics

✅ Throughput, cycle time breakdown for ongoing work.

✅ CI/CD insights: flaky test analysis, deployment frequency

✅ Team and organization level metrics, industry benchmarks

✅ Aligned with DORA and SPACE metrics

Screenshot of Swarmia Insights with GitHub pull requests in progress and Jira issue cycle time

End-to-end view into development pipeline

✅ Measure all steps of software delivery: coding, review, merge, and deployment time

✅ Identify stale, heated, and large pull requests before they become a problem

✅ Improve collaboration within the team and between teams

Screenshot of Swarmia's GitHub pull request view with open PRs waiting for review

Continuous improvement

✅ Measure your ways of working

✅ Adopt work in progress limits, improve code review habits, increase code quality, and more

✅ Get automated reminders to stay on track with your new habits

Screenshot of Swarmia's automated working agreement on closing GitHub pull requests in under 4 days
Explore next

Working Agreements

Make continuous improvement a habit by adopting practices followed by the industry's best performers. Automate feedback loops and measure progress.

Get a clear view into your development pipeline. Join 1,000+ teams using Swarmia today.